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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Floor Cleaning Equipment

Maintaining cleanliness is crucial not only for your well-being and safety but also for your company's reputation. It demonstrates your care for the health of your team, customers, and yourself. An effective way to achieve cleanliness is by incorporating a floor sweeper or scrubber into your daily cleaning routine. These machines not only make cleaning easier but also significantly enhance efficiency.


The benefits of using floor sweepers or scrubbers include time and labor savings, reduced water consumption, improved health and safety, and increased workplace morale. However, with numerous brands, models, and options available, selecting the right machine can be overwhelming. That's why we (the Floor Machine Store team) have taken the liberty to compile a list of the four most important factors to consider before purchasing any floor cleaning equipment.



While the saying "the bigger, the better" holds true in some cases, it doesn't always apply to floor cleaning equipment. Many customers believe that a larger machine is the best choice if their facility can accommodate it. The idea is to clean the majority of the floors in a single pass and manually clean the rest when necessary. At first glance, this approach seems reasonable, saving both time and money in terms of labor and materials. However, it's essential to consider your entire facility, not just the largest area where the machine will be used. Are there narrow hallways or tight corners? Will you need to move between buildings? How big are the entryways? Will you be cleaning around other equipment? By evaluating the "maneuverability" of your facility, you can easily narrow down your search for the perfect floor cleaning machine.


Power Source

Floor cleaning equipment can be powered by various sources: battery, cord (electric), propane, gas, and diesel. Battery-powered machines are often the preferred choice as they offer the freedom to maneuver both indoors and outdoors without the need for constant connection to a power source. However, they do require a significant amount of time to recharge. As a general rule of thumb, the charging time is double the run time. For example, a machine that operates for three hours will need six hours to fully recharge. Propane is another excellent power source, especially in industrial settings where other equipment also runs on propane. This ensures readily available power. Gasoline and diesel are less commonly sought after. Gasoline is suitable for outdoor cleaning, providing a longer continuous run time, while diesel is mainly used in extreme environments, such as extremely cold temperatures.



Your budget is an important consideration when narrowing down your search for floor cleaning equipment. "New" machines often come with more features but also higher price tags. While some customers value advanced technology (such as touch screens, self-maintenance checks, autonomous cleaning, etc.), others may consider those as unnecessary “bells and whistles”. Refurbished machines are a great option to consider (especially when cost is a concern), as they allow customers to buy top-of-the-line machines without the hefty price tag. Some customers may associate "refurbished" with something old and used, but it's essential to understand that the term refers to a machine that has been thoroughly restored. At Floor Machine Store, our definition of "refurbished" entails replacing all worn-out components and restoring the machine to a “like-new” condition. This option provides a cost-effective solution without compromising performance.



Like any machinery, floor cleaning equipment requires routine maintenance to ensure a longer lifespan and to retain their value in case you decide to sell/ trade them in the future. The cost of maintenance varies depending on the make and model of the machine. It’s crucial to consider and budget for preventive maintenance prior to purchasing a floor scrubber or floor sweeper. Regular maintenance not only extends the machine's lifespan but also prevents minor issues from escalating into major problems, (ultimately saving you on costly repairs down the line).

Finding the right floor cleaning machine also involves finding a recognized & reputable manufacturer. sells the best floor cleaning machine names the industry has to offer, including: Tennant, Nobles, Nilfisk Advance, Clarke, Powerboss, IPC Eagle & Factory Cat.  Floor scrubbers & floor sweepers produced by these companies are robust, reliable and stand the test of time in their unique commercial or industrial setting.  Explore a broad range of floor cleaning machine solutions offered by the biggest names in the industry. At Floor Machine Store, you are guaranteed to find a complete selection of the best floor cleaning machines models, at a fraction of the price of our competition. Our team of experts are available Monday to Friday (9:00am-4:00pm EST) to help you with any and all of your floor care and cleaning needs. Learn more by requesting a demonstration at 1-877-941-1120.


We hope our guide serves as a valuable starting point in your floor cleaning equipment journey and look forward to hearing from you soon


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